Zam: Menteri Penerangan Yang Tak Boleh Berbahasa Inggeris

Oleh Dr Fikrah

Apabila aku terbaca berita ini di dalam Harakahdaily hari ini, tercuit di hatiku untuk ketawa sedekah-dekahnya, memandangkan Zam Maidin, seorang Menteri Penerangan yang tidak pandai berbahasa Inggeris! Walaupun pada mulanya, aku menyangka ia bukanlah masalah yang besar, tetapi apabila difikirkan semula, terasa diri ini yang bergelar rakyat Malaysia, terhina dek pertuturannya yang memalukan dunia itu.

Bayangkanlah seorang Menteri Penerangan yang melakukan demikian di hadapan mata dunia, sudah pasti masyarakat negara lain beranggapan bahawa semua rakyat Malaysia lemah di dalama Bahasa Inggeris.

Agak dikesali. Apa yang pastinya, ulasan tersebut tidak dapat difahami oleh mana-mana orang yang memahami Bahasa Inggeris. Seumpama Samy Vellu bertutur di dalam Bahasa Melayu, terserlah kekurangannya di dalam bahasa itu, sedangkan dia sudah puluhan tahun menetap di Malaysia.

Tetapi, apa yang terjadi pada Zam sorang ini, dia telah menyebabkan semua rakyat Malaysia terasa malu dengan ungkapannya yang tunggang langgang itu. Sudahlah disaksikan oleh manusia di seluruh dunia, dirakam pula di laman-laman web, antaranya Youtube dan sebagainya. Datuk Seri Anuar Ibrahim di dalam sebuah ceramahnya ada mengkritik Bahasa Inggeris yang digunakan oleh VK Linggam melalui video rakaman yang telah mencetuskan kontroversi itu.

Tak sudah-sudah dengan correct.. correct sehinggakan telah dihasilkan sebagai ringtone yang sangat melucukan. Bagaimana pula nasibnya dengan si Zam ini, sudahlah memalukan rakyat Malaysia di hadapan mata dunia, dia juga telah memutar belitkan berita berkenaan perhimpunan tersebut sehinggakan wartawan al Jazeera tersebut menganggapnya sebagai Samy Vellu dunia.

Sekiranya kepeningan bahasa yang digunakan oleh Samy Vellu hanya di dengari oleh rakyat Malaysia, tetapi si Zam ini telah memalukan di hadapan masyarakt seluruh dunia. Adakah Zam merupakan seorang menteri yang tidak bersekolah rendah, ataupun hanya celup-celup sahaja. Memandangakan potensinya sebagai pengampu, maka dia terus dilantik sebagai menteri.

Untuk meluahkan kegelian di dalam hati ini, marilah kita sama-sama membaca dialog yang telah diciplak oleh aku dari Harakahdaily dan dengarkan juga melalui Youtube yang disediakan. Jangan terlalu cepat ketawa, dengar dahulu kata-katanya...

---------------- Harakahdaily 21 November -------------------------------

Transcript of Malaysia's Information Minister's interview with Al Jazeera News on the Bersih Protest.
Minister: I commend yo-yo-your journalists trying to project... to exaggerate more than what actually happened. That-that-that-that's it. We are not the-the and I-I congratulate your journalists behaving like an actor, that-that's it...
Reporter: As you say that, sir, we're watching scenes of protesters being sprayed by chemical-filled water!
Minister: YA! I am watching! I'm here! You've been trying... trying to do it this - to do this everywhere but in Malaysia people are allowed to, you know? We know our police head our colleague... Police have whatever allowed the procession to go to the Istana Negara, you know? Do police, first police, like, they handle them, they attack them, they... the police don't, don't, don't fire anybody?
Reporter: Our correspondent came back to the office, sir, with chemicals in his eyes!
Minister: You-you-you-you are here with the idea, you are trying to project, what is your mind! You think that we Pakistan, we are Burma, we are Myanmar. Everything you-you are thinking! WE ARE DIFFERENT! We are totally different!
Reporter: Well unfortunately when you refuse to let people protest, it does appear so.
Minister: Ya ya we are not like you! You-you have earlier perception, you come here, you want to project us like undemocratic country. This a democratic country!
Reporter: So why can't people protest then, if it's a democratic country?
Minister: YES, PEOPLE PROTEST! People do-do... of course they protest. We are allowing them protest, and they have demonstrated. But we just trying to disperse them, and then later they-they-they don't wanna disperse, but later our police compromise. They have compromised and allowed them to proceed to Istana Negara! Police, our police have succeeded in handling them gently, right? Why do you report that? You take the opposition, someone from opposition party you ask him to speak. You don't take from the government, right?
Reporter: Why did you not break up these protests...
Minister: Pardon? Pardon? Pardon?
Reporter: Why did you not break up these protests more peacefully?
Minister: I can't hear you! I can't hear you!
Reporter: Why did you not break up these protests more peacefully?
Minister: No we-we are! We... this protest is illegal! We don't want..this... the... NORMALLY...
Reporter: OK, so let me return to my former question. Why is this protest illegal?
Minister: YA! It's a illegal protest because we have the erection in Malaysia. It's no-no point on having a protest! We are allowing to every erection... every five years never fail! We are not our like, like Myanmar, not like other country. And, and you are helping this. You Al-Jazeera also is helping this, this forces. The, you know, these forces who are not in passion, who don't believe in democracy!
Reporter: Alright, many thanks for joining us.
Minister: I don't, ya, you, Al-Jazeera, this is, is Al-Jazeera attitude. Right?

--------------------- The End ---------------------------------

Amacam? pening ke? Teruskan pula dengan mendengar sendiri melalui Youtube...yang disediakan dalam rencana terdahulu kat dalam blog nie ......


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